Differences between Craniosacral Therapy and Spiritual Healing

Perhaps you too wondered at some point what Craniosacral Therapy is, or what indeed Spiritual Healing is, and how the two compare? A client of mine suggested I learn Craniosacral Therapy next, to add to my repertoire of bodywork and energy work therapies, so I endeavored to find out more about Craniosacral Therapy. I did some general internet research and booked myself a session.

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Suggested Arguments for De-radicalization and how to protect against Radicalization

I argue that we cannot just lock up extremists and throw away the key - if we do not understand what turned them extreme and manage to argue on their level, which in case of religious fanatics is understanding and talking about the nature of The Divine, a dialogue might become impossible. The main reason why e.g. I personally was afraid to seek professional help after leaving a cult was that I feared  I would be told that believing in The Divine and feeling energies is pathological in the first place....Understanding the psychology of radicalization and brain washing could also help us to prevent kids (and adults) being 'turned' awry in future....

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A Heart for Narcissists

So I have just cone out of a relationship with a guy with apparent full blown narcissistic personality disorder. A look at his Facebook profile is very telling- it boasts nearly daily updates of bare-chested selfies, with comments such as: ‘Feeling great’; ‘Looking good’; ‘Working hard at the gym”. I had been in a relationship with one before – ten years ago, so I should have been able to read the signs, but I still fell for him. What happened? Was I stupid? Naïve? Blinded?  - Maybe a bit of all? Mainly though this article is about trying to figure out what was real, what wasn’t, and if I should love or hate him now?

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